Message from the Dean

On behalf of our School, staff and students, welcome to the Copperbelt University – School of Business. We are the oldest and one of the leading business schools in Zambia. As dean of the School, I am exceptionally proud of our deep rooted heritage of providing experience-based business education that our school has endorsed and sustained since its establishment in 1978. Since its inception, the school has made great strides in advancing business knowledge in Zambia and its neighborhoods. Our programmes are designed to prepare students to become problem solving leaders with the moral depth necessary to meet the challenges of critical remodelling in the business environment and society and will continue to contribute to the economic and social advancement of Zambia and the region. Located in the economic copper-rich region of Zambia and a campus in the capital city of Zambia, the school continues to attract high caliber students from around the country and the region. The School of Business believes that every student should be readied with opportunities to innovate and realize their dreams. I cordially invite all of you to tour our School of Business either online or through a physical visit to our campus.


Post Graduate:   

Ph.D – Accounting and Finance and Corporate Governance – University of Dundee, Scotland; United Kingdom


Master of Accountancy (M. Acc) University of Dundee,     Scotland; United Kingdom


Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) United Kingdom

 Under Graduate:

Bachelor of Accountancy (B. Acc) Copperbelt University; Zambia)

Dr Chanda Shikaputo became the 10th dean of the Copperbelt University School of Business on 1st June 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (B.Acc) from the Copperbelt University, Zambia; a Master of Accountancy (M.Acc) from the University of Dundee, Scotland in the United Kingdom; Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA); Ph.D in Accounting and Finance and Corporate Governance from the University of Dundee, Scotland in the United Kingdom under the Commonwealth Scholarship.

During his tenure at the School of Business, before he became dean, Dr Shikaputo served as School of Business Research Coordinator, Copperbelt University – Africa Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Mining (CBU ACESM) – Thematic CoordinatorLivelihoods, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility. He also served as Head of Department – Accounting and Finance. He is a member of the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA), Member of the School of Business Executive Programmes Development Committee, Member of the Copperbelt University Strategic Resource Mobilization Committee (SRMC) and member of the appointments and promotions committee of the university. He is also a member of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Committee of Experts in Accounting and Finance. His academic background spans more than 15 years of teaching both at undergraduate and graduate levels, in Zambia and the United Kingdom. The teaching experience, research and course development have been in the areas of Financial Accounting, Financial Reporting, Financial Management, Management Accounting, Advanced Audit Assurance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Business Ethics, Fraud, Money Laundering and Corporate Governance.

He has published his work on Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship, stock markets, E-Commerce, Accountability and Taxation in journals such as Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Journal of Business and Management, Journal of Industrial and Business Management, International Journal of Economics, International Journal of Accounting and Finance and Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences. He is the author of the book “Corporate Governance in Zambia: Stakeholders’ Perspectives; Governance and Accountability for Development in Zambia.” Dr Shikaputo has taught MSc Accounting and Finance classes in Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Advanced Audit and Assurance. He has also taught Master of Business Administration in Corporate Governance and Leadership. He serves on a number of Board of Directors within Zambia and he is a member of the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA). As dean, Dr Shikaputo has established six strategic priorities to guide the School: Quality delivery, research, a new model for University-industry collaboration and visibility, strengthening of the alumni, Innovation and staff welfare.



Shikaputo Chanda, Bruce Burton, Theresa Dunne, (2017) “The nature and potential of corporate governance in developing countries: Zambian perceptions”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 30 Issue: 6, pp.1257-1287,

Mwiya, B., Wang Y., Shikaputo, C., Kaulungombe, B., and Kayekesi, M. (2017) Predicting entrepreneurial intentions of university students: applying the theory of planned behaviour in Zambia, Africa. Open Journal of Business and Management 5 (4), 592-610.

Mwiya, B., Chikumbi, F., Shikaputo, C., Kabala, E., Kaulung ’ombe, B., & Siachinji, B. (2017). Examining Factors Influencing E-Banking Adoption: Evidence from Bank Customers in Zambia, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 7, 741–759.

Nsama, M., Kapena, S. and Shikaputo, C. (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Fama-French Five and Three-Factor Model in Explaining Stock Returns Variation. International Journal of Economics Vol.3, Issue 1, No.3, pp 30 – 48.  

Nsama, M., Kapena, S. and Shikaputo, C. (2018). A test of the Fama -French Five Factor Model in comparison to the Capital Asset Pricing Model at the Lusaka Securities Exchange International Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol.3, Issue 1, No.3, pp 35 – 47.

Nsama, M., Kapena, S. and Shikaputo, C. (2020). A better stock pricing model: A systematic literature review. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences; 13 (1).

Book Publication
Chanda Shikaputo (2020). Corporate Governance in Zambia: Stakeholders’ Perspectives. Governance and Accountability for development in Zambia. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; International Book market Service Ltd.  

Peer Reviewed Conference papers
Chisakulo, E., Mpembele, S., Shikaputo, C., Mwaanga, P., Chileshe, R.K., Kapena, S., Musonda, F. and Ngoma, N. (2019). Revenue-based Taxes: A Means to Maximise Revenue Collection from Zambian Mines

Christine Nakamba Lesa

Post Graduate:   

Post Graduate:   

PhD in Management of Projects from the University of Manchester


Master of Science degree in Logistics from Coventry University

 Under Graduate:

Bachelor of Science degree in Production Management from the Copperbelt University

Christine is a lecturer in the school of business in the department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, at the Copperbelt University. She has over 15 years of teaching, research, consultancy and practice in operations management, strategy, research methods, and supply and logistics management.

Christine has a Bachelor of Science
degree in Production Management from the Copperbelt University), a Master of
Science degree in Logistics from Coventry University and a PhD in Management of
Projects from the University of Manchester.

Her main research areas include
logistics and supply chain management, sustainability and entrepreneurship,
sustainable supply chains, project management, strategy and operations


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Paul W. Chan, Maria Sharmina, (2017) How does social sustainability feature in studies of supply chain management? A review and research agenda”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Paul W. Chan, Maria Sharmina (2016), The use and under-use of social sustainability in the study of supply chain management: A review of literature. In the 30th British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference.


  1. Maliti, B., Sikombe, S., Lesa, C.N., Manchisi, R. An Empirical Assessment of the Main Predictors of Social Project Outcome Sustainability in Zambia.


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Progress Choongo, Peter Lubosi Simasiku (2021), An explorative study of the extent to which multinational buyer firms’ sustainability requirements include/exclude Zambian Contractors and suppliers. Africa and Sustainable Global Value Chains- Springer


Google Scholar Page URL: view_op=new_articles&hl=en&imq=Christine+Chanda+Nakamba#

Research Gate URL:

LinkedIn Profile URL:


Lusungu Anne Kumwenda

Post Graduate:   

Post Graduate:   

PhD in Management of Projects from the University of Manchester


Master of Science degree in Logistics from Coventry University

 Under Graduate:

Bachelor of Science degree in Production Management from the Copperbelt University

Christine is a lecturer in the school of business in the department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, at the Copperbelt University. She has over 15 years of teaching, research, consultancy and practice in operations management, strategy, research methods, and supply and logistics management.

Christine has a Bachelor of Science
degree in Production Management from the Copperbelt University), a Master of
Science degree in Logistics from Coventry University and a PhD in Management of
Projects from the University of Manchester.

Her main research areas include
logistics and supply chain management, sustainability and entrepreneurship,
sustainable supply chains, project management, strategy and operations


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Paul W. Chan, Maria Sharmina, (2017) How does social sustainability feature in studies of supply chain management? A review and research agenda”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Paul W. Chan, Maria Sharmina (2016), The use and under-use of social sustainability in the study of supply chain management: A review of literature. In the 30th British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference.


  1. Maliti, B., Sikombe, S., Lesa, C.N., Manchisi, R. An Empirical Assessment of the Main Predictors of Social Project Outcome Sustainability in Zambia.


  1. Christine Chanda Nakamba, Progress Choongo, Peter Lubosi Simasiku (2021), An explorative study of the extent to which multinational buyer firms’ sustainability requirements include/exclude Zambian Contractors and suppliers. Africa and Sustainable Global Value Chains- Springer


Google Scholar Page URL: view_op=new_articles&hl=en&imq=Christine+Chanda+Nakamba#

Research Gate URL:

LinkedIn Profile URL:


Diana Muyani Sikazwe

Diana is a licentiate of the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) and has over 14 years of experience in financial management, financial reporting, budgeting and successful development and implementation of investment projects for business financial growth. For over five years she coordinated cross functional teams in the development and implementation of strategies to meet financing and investment needs and managed investment classes in the pensions and insurance industry before joining the department of Accounting and Finance as a lecturer in 2013. 

 Her areas of specialization include Accounting, Auditing, Portfolio Management, Financial Analysis, Investment Appraisal, Company Valuations and Risk management.

Her areas of research Interest are Financial Inclusion, Sustainable Finance, Agricultural Finance, Investment Analysis, Stock Exchanges in Emerging Markets and Banking Sector Development Issues.

Financial Inclusion, Sustainable Finance, Agricultural Finance, Investment
Analysis, Stock Exchanges in Emerging Markets and Banking Sector Development


1.      An Ethnological Analysis of the influence of Mobile Money on Financial Inclusion: The Case of Urban Zambia.

Beenzu Siachinji-Shambweka

Post Graduate

 Masters in Management with Marketing from Bournemouth University (United Kingdom)

Under Graduate

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from The Copperbelt University (Zambia)


Beenzu Siachinji-Shambweka (Mrs) is a Lecturer in the School of Business, Department of Business Administration and Marketing. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from The Copperbelt University (Zambia) and a Masters in Management with Marketing from Bournemouth University (United Kingdom). She has been Lecturing in Higher Education since 2013. In addition to lecturing, she is the Quality Assurance Coordinator for The Copperbelt University (under Center for Academic Development(CAD) and a Marketing Committee member in World Bank- Copperbelt University African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining (CBU ACESM). She has also served in various positions in the School of Business.  Her areas of research interest include: Service Quality, Digital Marketing, Branding, Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship among many other areas in Marketing and Management. 




Mwiya, B, Siachinji, B, Bwalya, J, Sikombe, S, Chawala, M, Chanda, H, Kayekesi, M, Sakala, E, Muyenga A, & Kalungombe, B (2019). Are there study differences in perceptions of University education service quality? Evidence from Zambia. Cogent Business & Management (2019), 6:1579414 

Mwiya, B., Chikumbi, F., Shikaputo, C.,Kabala, E., Kaulung’ombe, B., and Siachinji, B.(2017) , Examining Factors Influencing E-Banking Adoption: Evidence from Bank Customers in Zambia .American Journal Of industrial and Business Management741 

Mwiya, B., Siachinji, B., Bwalya, J., Sikombe, S., Chanda, H., & Chawala, M. (2017, The Higher Education Quality and students Satisfaction Nexus: Evidence from Zambia.  Creative Education 8, 1044-1068 , Scientic Research Publishing

Prof. Biemba Maliti


  • Doctor of Business Management (Strategy) and MBA from Cleveland State University (Ohio, USA)
  • MSc in Engineering and Manufacturing Management from Coventry University (UK),
  • BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Zambia, and a Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology the University of Trondheim (Norway).


Prof. Maliti bring to the team unique expertise where he integrates organisation strategy to projects, and project management. Prof. Maliti holds a Doctor of Business Management (Strategy) and MBA from Cleveland State University (Ohio, USA), an MSc in Engineering and Manufacturing Management from Coventry University (UK), BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Zambia, and a Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology the University of Trondheim (Norway).

His area of research include Strategy, management, project management, operations an





Maliti, B. (1997). Benchmarking: The New Winning Technique for Attaining World – Class Manufacturing Status. Journal of Business, Mission Press, Ndola, June 1997.

Maliti, B. (2007). Analyzing the Effects of the Macro-Economic Environment and Firm Strategy on Organizational Performance in the Zambian Food & Beverage Industry. Journal of Business, Mission Press, Ndola, Jan 2007.

Maliti, B., Mwewa, B. C. (2015). Determining The Challenges For Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Accessing Financial Resources In A Rural District Of Zambia Using Multivariate Analysis. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, India, 2015. 

Maliti, B., Kandandu, R. (2015). Prospects of Beekeeping as an Entrepreneurial Option In Kaoma District of Western Province of Zambia. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 

Maliti, B., Matembo, D. (2015), Implementation Challenges in the Management and Placement of Skilled Sta in a Civil Service institution of a resource rich but capital short developing country (Zambia): Human Resource Strategic Directions. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement, 2015. 

Maliti, B., Kaingu, L., (2015) A Comparative Study of The Survival Strategies Employed By Two Zambian Copper Mining Companies During The Global Financial Recession (2008 – 2009). International Journal of Strategic Management and Current Business Issues, 2015.

 Maliti, B., Musumali, S., (2015). An Assessment of the Impact of Organisational Culture on Performance: A Case Study of Lukanga Water and Sewerage Company Limited in Zambia. Management Studies Journal, USA, 2015.  Muyenga, A.,

Maliti, B., (2016). Determining the Commercial Potential of an Indigenous Crop – The Zambian True. International Journal of Current Research,Vol. 8, Issue, 05, pp.32007-32023, May, 2016. Books

Maliti, B., Applying the Action Prot Linkage Model in a Developing Nation, Scholars’ Press, Germany, 2015.

Byrne Kaulu


Byrne Kaulu is a lecturer and research coordinator in the department of Accounting and Finance at Copperbelt University. He has been at CBU since 2019. Prior, Byrne served as lecturer and Head of the business school’s Accounting department at University of Lusaka (UNILUS). He also served as faculty member on the Bloomberg Media Initiative Financial Journalism Training. In the early years of his career, Byrne served for five years at Citibank in various roles in banking operations. He has also worked as a tax consultant; with audit firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, for less than a year. He has taught Financial Accounting, Auditing, Management Accounting, Financial Reporting and Corporate Finance at various levels in academia.

Byrne’s broad research interests are in taxation, development finance, and the bottom of the pyramid – particularly the use of FinTech like mobile money for achieving SDGs.


Peer Reviewed Journal articles

1.      Kaulu Byrne: Determinants of Tax Evasion Intention using the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Mediation role of Taxpayer Egoism (Expected)


2.      Kaulu, Byrne; Kabala, Edna; Mapoma, Rosemary; and Munyonzwe, Christopher (2020) “Risk Perception, Behavioural Response to COVID-19, and the Mediating Role of Information Sources in Zambia,” Southern African Journal of Policy and Development: Vol. 5 : No. 1 , Article 8. Available at:


3.      Kaulu Byrne, Chanda Sichinsambwe and Eustarckio Kazonga (2018) International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X; || Volume 7 Issue 10 Ver. 2 || October 2018 || PP—01-06

Conference Presentations

1.      Kaulu Byrne and Makano Fumpa Rosemary (2020) The Nexus Between Determinants of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion – Empirical Evidence from Zambia Using Logistic Regression; Proceedings Of The 2020 ZAPUC International Conference – Livingstone, Zambia (19th – 21st October 2020) ISBN: 978-9982-18-426-7

Bruce Mwiya


  •       Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Small Business  Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom (UK)
  •       Master of Intellectual Property (MIP) from Africa University in Conjunction with the WIPO Academy
  •      (MBA) degrees from the  Copperbelt University (Zambia)
  •       Bachelor and Master of Business Administration (BBA