SNR – Ongoing Research

  • Kabwe, G. and Kalaba, F. Energy poverty PIRE in southern Africa (EPPSA), a project being implemented by Copperbelt University, University of Zimbabwe, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). 2018-2022.
  • Syampungani, S. Application of GIS and Geospatial Analysis in Understanding Charcoal Production, Supply and Demand in Selected Sites of Lusaka; Central, Copperbelt and North Western Provinces of Zambia (Funded by USAID) project
  • Kabwe, G. Understanding the contribution of capacity development to livelihoods in children and women headed households in the self-help program. 2018-2020. Funded by the Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER) at Stockholm University.
  • Chungu D and Mutondo M. Climate change adaptation in the Zambian agriculture system. Funded by Ministry of National Planning, Climate change secretariat.
  • Chungu D and Mutondo M. DNA Barcoding as a monitoring tool for industry and environment. Funded by Copperbelt University.
  • Chungu D, Ncube E & Ng’andwe P. Biodegradation of ZESCO poles by decay organisms. Funded by Copperbelt University
  • Shakacite O, Chungu D & Ng’andwe P. Insect-fungal interaction in polluted environment and its importance in the management of Eucalyptus.
  • Kasanga, L., Ng’andwe, P., Vinya, R., Nyirenda, V., Mumba, P., Yambayamba, A.M. and Chisha-Kasumu, E. In vitro shoot and root multiplication from seedlings of Plectranthus esculentus (Mumbu).
  • Gwanama, C., Chisha-Kasumu, E., Vinya R. and Siakachite, C. Improvement of Pineapple Shelf-Life and Yield by Chemical Mutagenesis. Funded by Copperbelt University.
  • IIpinge, L., Yambayamba, A.M. and Chisha-Kasumu, E. Towards domestication of Ximenia americana: Improvement of seed germination, in vitro propagation and acclamitisation.
  • Chisha-Kasumu, E., Ng’andwe, P., Mwitwa, J.P., Muimba-Kankolongo, and Mpatwa, G. A Description of Zambian Edible Orchids: Prevalence and Use.
  • Muimba-Kankolongo, A., Mwitwa, J., Ng’andwe, P., Chisha-Kasumu, E. and Banda, C. Edible Wild Bulbs (Mumbu).
  • Namukonde, N. Influence of environmental conditions on the chemical composition of pasture and other food plants under changing ambient conditions in National Parks of Zambia. Partner: Institute of Zoology, University of Hamburg, supported by TWAS-DFG, 2019-2021.
  • Kennedy Sichamba, Workson Siwale, Phillimon Ng’andwe. Production of Paper Shopping bags from Grasses and Agricultural Residues’. CBU Funded. 2020-2021
  • Workson Siwale, Kennedy Sichamba, Phillimon Ng’andwe. Potential Utilization of Forest and Agricultural Residues for Bioenergy”. CBU Funded.