Kabwe, G. and Kalaba, F. Energy poverty PIRE in southern Africa (EPPSA), a project being implemented by Copperbelt University, University of Zimbabwe, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). 2018-2022.
Syampungani, S. Application of GIS and Geospatial Analysis in Understanding Charcoal Production, Supply and Demand in Selected Sites of Lusaka; Central, Copperbelt and North Western Provinces of Zambia (Funded by USAID) project
Kabwe, G. Understanding the contribution of capacity development to livelihoods in children and women headed households in the self-help program. 2018-2020. Funded by the Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER) at Stockholm University.
Chungu D and Mutondo M. Climate change adaptation in the Zambian agriculture system. Funded by Ministry of National Planning, Climate change secretariat.
Chungu D and Mutondo M. DNA Barcoding as a monitoring tool for industry and environment. Funded by Copperbelt University.
Chungu D, Ncube E & Ng’andwe P. Biodegradation of ZESCO poles by decay organisms. Funded by Copperbelt University
Shakacite O, Chungu D & Ng’andwe P. Insect-fungal interaction in polluted environment and its importance in the management of Eucalyptus.
Kasanga, L., Ng’andwe, P., Vinya, R., Nyirenda, V., Mumba, P., Yambayamba, A.M. and Chisha-Kasumu, E. In vitro shoot and root multiplication from seedlings of Plectranthus esculentus (Mumbu).
Gwanama, C., Chisha-Kasumu, E., Vinya R. and Siakachite, C. Improvement of Pineapple Shelf-Life and Yield by Chemical Mutagenesis. Funded by Copperbelt University.
IIpinge, L., Yambayamba, A.M. and Chisha-Kasumu, E. Towards domestication of Ximenia americana: Improvement of seed germination, in vitro propagation and acclamitisation.
Chisha-Kasumu, E., Ng’andwe, P., Mwitwa, J.P., Muimba-Kankolongo, and Mpatwa, G. A Description of Zambian Edible Orchids: Prevalence and Use.
Muimba-Kankolongo, A., Mwitwa, J., Ng’andwe, P., Chisha-Kasumu, E. and Banda, C. Edible Wild Bulbs (Mumbu).
Namukonde, N. Influence of environmental conditions on the chemical composition of pasture and other food plants under changing ambient conditions in National Parks of Zambia. Partner: Institute of Zoology, University of Hamburg, supported by TWAS-DFG, 2019-2021.
Kennedy Sichamba, Workson Siwale, Phillimon Ng’andwe. Production of Paper Shopping bags from Grasses and Agricultural Residues’. CBU Funded. 2020-2021
Workson Siwale, Kennedy Sichamba, Phillimon Ng’andwe. Potential Utilization of Forest and Agricultural Residues for Bioenergy”. CBU Funded.