- BSc. Computer Science (Mulungushi University)
- MSc. Computer Science (Mulungushi University)
- Information Systems
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Data Mining
- Cyber Security
- Computer Graphics
- Foundations of Information Systems
- Communication and Computer Skills
- Introduction to Computing
- Data Mining and Business Analytics
Web Server Performance of Apache and Nginx: A Systematic Literature Review;
Kunda, D., Sipiwe, C. & Muwanei, S., 2017. Web Server Performance of Apache and Nginx: A Systematic Literature Review. Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, 8(2), pp. 43-52.
2. Analysis of value added services on GDP Growth Rate using Data Mining Techniques;
D. Kunda and S. Chihana, “Analysis of value added services on GDP Growth Rate using Data Mining Techniques,” Database Systems Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 29-43, 2017.
3. An IoT based Warehouse Intrusion Detection (E-Perimeter) and Grain Tracking Model for Food Reserve AgencyChihana, S., Phiri, J., & Kunda, D. (2018, September). An IoT based Warehouse Intrusion Detection (E-Perimeter) and Grain Tracking Model
for Food Reserve Agency. IJACSA, 9(9), 213-223. doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090929.
4. Securing Grain in Transit for Food Reserve Agency based on the Cloud Model
Chihana, S., Phiri, J., & Kunda, D. (2018). Securing Grain in Transit for Food Reserve Agency based on the Cloud Model. Zambia Association of Public Universities and Colleges (ZAPUC). Livingstone.
5. Application of IoT in FRA’s Grain Traceability Process
Chihana, S., Phiri, J. (2018). Application of IoT in FRA’s Grain Traceability Process. IJES, vol. 6, no.4, pp.87-94. doi:10.3991/ijes.v6i4.9332
6. A Ransomware Classification Framework Based on File-Deletion and File-Encryption Attack Structures
A, Zimba, M. Chishimba and S. Chihana, “A Ransomware Classification Framework Based on File-Deletion and File-Encryption Attack Structures,” in 2ND IEEE – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICICT), Lusaka, 2018.