Prof Shumba is a professor of science education. He holds a Bachelor of Education in Chemistry from the University of Zimbabwe and a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy from Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, USA. He is a former W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow (at Iowa State University, USA) and German Academic Exchange Services Fellow (at the University of Muenster, Germany). He served as a coordinator and manager of the NUFFIC supported initiative for strengthening Higher Education, Research and Teaching (HEART Project). He is technical advisor for the World Bank CBU African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining (CBU ACESM). His research interests and experience are in education for sustainable development, quality and relevance in mathematics and science teacher education, and scholarship of teaching and learning and academic development.
Prof Shumba is a member of the National Working Group on the Zambia ESD for 2030 Strategy to advise and promote education in attaining the Vision 2030 and the SDGs. He is the Chair holder of the UNESCO/UNITWIN Chair on Mathematics, Science and Technology Teacher Education for Sustainable Development at Copperbelt University.
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