Mwaanga, P. and Daka, M. M., 2017, Bio-mediation and Monitoring of Oil Contaminated Soils From Mines and Mineral Processing Environments, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 6 – 10 March, 2017.
Nguvulu, A., Chungu, D., and Wambwa, D. 2017. Effects of Land Use Types and Climate Change on Green Water on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. International Conference on Geology, Mining, Mineral and Groundwater Resources of Sub-saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, 11th – 13th July 2017, Livingstone, Zambia.
Nguvulu, A., and Okello, N. 2017. Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change in Lusaka City Using Geoinformatics Tools. 1st International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on “Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Competitiveness for Responsive and Sustainable Development” (IMDC2017). 23rd – 25th August 2017, Livingstone, Zambia.
Nguvulu, A., and Kantumoya, O., 2017. Derivation of the Hydrology of the Copperbelt Province from SRTM30 DEM using GIS. International Conference on Geology, Mining, Mineral and Groundwater Resources of Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, 11th – 13th July 2017, Livingstone, Zambia.
Banda, P., Chenda F.K., 2017.Plate settlers as a viable alternative to conventional sedimentation basin. Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition. Mulungushi Conference Center. June 12 -13, 2017.
Nguvulu, A., and Kampunte M. Total Quality Management Practice in the Telecommunications Industry in Zambia: The Case of Zambia Telecommunications Company. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), ISSN: 2349-2058.
Banda, J. and Chileshe, F., Production of Gypsum for Cement Manufacture From Limestone Ore.
Chileshe, F., Mwandila, G., Lungu, M., Modeling and Simulation of the Leaching of Phosphate from Sinda Phosphate Rock and Production of Fertiliser.
Siame, J., Maseka, K. K., Mukosha, L., Mulwanda, J., Simate, G., Continuous Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Using Coal.
Chileshe, P. R. K., and Lukonde, P. M., On-going Research on Evaluation and Design of Mine Ventilation System for Mindola Mine, Zambia.
Chileshe, P. R. K., and Kalume, H., Research on Rock Mass Classification and Underground Support Design at Lubambe Copper Mine, Zambia.
Nyirenda, K., Mukube, P., Ziwa, G., Mwanamuchende, T., Okello, N., Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Heavy and Toxic Metals in Soils of Residential Areas Surrounding the Nkana Mine in Kitwe District, Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Banda, P. M., Sichilima, S., A Review of Renewable Energy Development, Strategy and Policy Options for Zambia.
Jingdai, W., Lungu, M., Investigation of Agglomeration Behaviour in Fluidised Bed Reactors.
Mwenya, W. M., and Tepa, C., Characterisation and Rejection of Gangue Minerals in Copper Concentrate at Lubambe Concentrator.
Chisala, P., and Ngulube, R., Review on Wind Energy in Zambia.
Mwenya, W. M., Tepa, C., Chanda, T., P., Application of Controlled Potential Sulphidisation to Improve the Floatability of Tarnished Copper Sulphide Minerals at Kansanshi and Lubambe Concentrators.
Phiri, T., Glass, H. J., Mwamba, P., Development of a Strategy and Interpretation of the Near Infrared Spectra on Manto Verde Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Ore for Application in Automated Sorting.
Siame, J., Maseka, K. K., Treatment of Copper Sulphide Ores by Bio-leaching Technique.
Nguvulu, A., and Musonda, P., Effects of Rapid Urbanisation on Local Temperature in Lusaka City.
Nguvulu, A., and Chamululu, C., Investigating the Desertification of Southern Parts of Zambia Using GIS and Remote Sensing.
Nguvulu, A., and Wambwa, D., Influence of Land Use on Green Water in the Upper Catchment of Kafue River Basin, Zambia.
Siwale, L., Siame, J., Kolesnikov, A., Engine Cylinder Wear and Tear Effect in Spark Ignition Engine Using Dual Fuels: n-Butanol-Methanol-Gasoline Blend.
Banda, P., Development of a National Environmental Monitoring Programme (NEMP).
Daka, M., M., Mwaba, V., Musonda, J., Thermo Chemical Extraction of Base Oil From Waste Grease.
Schilima, S., Banda, P., Daka, M.M., Chirambo, B., Assessment of Physiochemical parameters and Bacteriological properties of Buchi Stream Kitwe – Zambia.
Banda, P., Sichililma, S., Evaluating activities that impact quality of surface water: A case of Kitwe District in Zambia.