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The Dag Hammarskjöld Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (DHIPS) formerly the Chair for Peace, Human Rights and Conflict Management at the Copperbelt University was established on 26th February 2003. The formation of the Chair followed the initiative conceived by the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Zambia that would commemorate Dag Hammarskjold and his work in an active and ongoing manner apart from the annual Memorial Commemorations. This initiative culminated into the formation of the Dag Hammarskjöld Living Memorial Initiative (DHLMI) which was collaborative project between the UNCT, the Zambian Government, the Swedish and Nordic Missions in Zambia and the Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (MEF). The dimensions of the DHLMI are:

  • Improvements to the Dag Memorial Crush Site;
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Messengers of Peace Training Programme; and
  • The Dag Hammarskjöld Center for Peace, Good Governance and Human Rights at Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation

The Copperbelt University’s Dag Hammarskjold Chair for Peace and Conflict Studies, is the fourth dimension of DHLMI and has the following components:


The Chair was mandated to teach, conduct research, information dissemination and outreach programmes to other Institutions in Zambia. In this regard, tentative discussions have been entered into with related Institutions like the Defense Services Command and Staff College in Lusaka who have expressed interest in collaborating with the Copperbelt University in Peace and Conflict Studies at Master’s Degree level. This is a Regional College under the Ministry of Defense and it trains students from the Region and Abroad in Peace, Security and Defense related matters though not at degree level.  Further other Institutions like the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in South Africa would like to explore ways in which there could be staff and student exchanges between CBU and ISS. The ISS is a world renowned Institute in Security Studies.


Graduates of Masters of Peace and Conflict Studies will be able to:

  1. Enhance and improve their conflict management and peace building practice,
  2. Formulate and/or contribute to formulation conflict sensitive policies,
  3. Conduct research, training and develop peacebuilding materials for schools and higherinstitutions of learning,
  4. Serve as advisors on peace and conflict related matters to public, private and governmentagencies.


To be one of Africa’s Premier Think-tanks in Research, Analysis, and the timely Dissemination of findings. 

Mission Statement

To establish a high profile presence in the specialized area of Conflict Management & Resolution in response to complex African conflicts.

At the dissertation stage, students who obtain a Grade Point Average of 2.5 at the end of the 2 (two) semesters will proceed to the dissertation stage in the third semester. A student is given six months to undertake a research related to Peace and Conflict within their given field. At the end of six months, the student shall submit his/her thesis to the Head of Department, Postgraduate Studies. There will be two presentation periods a year, at six monthly intervals after the completion of the third stage. The thesis shall be examined by a committee consisting of 3 examiners, of who two (2) should be internal and one external. The grading of the thesis will be done according to the set criteria giving a maximum of 50 points. The Grade for the thesis shall be Pass or Fail. In the case of a Fail, the student will be permitted to submit a new dissertation in the next presentation period. Only two submissions shall be permitted. Students would be guided by their supervisors after the research proposal has been approved.

The objectives of the Dag Hammarskjöld Institute for Peace Studies are to:

  • Provide quality graduate level training in peace and conflict studies and subsequent provision of post-graduate and under-graduate programmes;
  • Undertake academic research in the furtherance of an enhanced understanding of peace and conflict issues and development of new knowledge;
  • Undertake policy research in areas requiring urgent attention and development of strategies to mitigate conflict and enhance development through a myriad of means, including through the development of a strategic cell;
  • Undertake out-reach activities and short courses intended to enhance consciousness of the value of peace; and
  • Afford education with an institution of higher learning for peace and with the aim of upholding, among all learners the spirit of consideration, forbearance (tolerance) and peaceful co-existence.

As a university-based institution, DHIPS is organically linked to the Copperbelt University. However, the nature of the Institute’s work requires that it also assume some peculiarities in its make-up to meet the demands of think tanks. The broader emphasis on research components such as the strategic studies cell is a case in point. Consequently the governance structure for the Institute comprises of an Advisory Board; Board of Studies; Post-Graduate Committee; Research Committee; and an Executive Committee/Promotions and Appointments Committee.

The Director provides both strategic and operational leadership for the Institute. A Board of Studies assists the Executive Committee; Research Committee; which meets once per term or as required. The Executive Committee assisted by a Board of Studies; Research Committee meets once per semester or as required.

The Advisory Board is envisaged to meet once per year or as required, advises on strategic policy and other management matters, which affect or may affect the Institute. It is proposed that Mr. William Nyirenda SC, a well-respected lawyer with a background of strategic leadership in the peace and conflict area through his connection as Governor of Rotary International, becomes its inaugural Chair of the Advisory Board and that its membership (11) be drawn from the following institutions:

The DHIPS activities shall comprise of lecturing, desk and field research and out-reach activities through workshops, roundtable discussions, seminars and conferences.

The DHIPS shall gather information relevant to its research output in accordance with high ethical standards, respecting human rights and general well being of research subjects. In conducting field research, the DHIPS shall ensure that it complies with all the principles that are aimed at protecting the dignity and privacy of every individual who, in the course of the research, will be requested to provide personal or commercially valuable information about him/herself or others.

These institutional activities and their timeframes are reflected in table 3 below.

Description Peace education short training courses School peace training The Dag Hammarskjöld Journal on Peace and Conflict Studies Lecture series

1Lectures in human rights, governance and peacebuilding; human security and development; and environment, sustainable development and peace for training aids, supplementary teaching and guest lecturers($10,000 per year)
2Research activities in the following identified areas at $100,000 per year


  1. Maritime Piracy in the West Indian Ocean
  2. Fragility of Africa’s Security Architecture
  3. Environmental and Climate Change Challenges in the SADC Region and their effect on the security dimension
  4. Information Technology and Peace and Conflict in Africa
  5. Strategic vision of Zambia’s socio-economic and political environment: Vision 2040
  6. Post-conflict reconstruction in the African Union
  7. Youth and Conflict Theory
  8. and Sustainable Human Development and peace in SADC.
  9. Reconstruction of the security sector in new emerging states in Africa
  10. Dag Hammarskjöld project
  11. Regional integration and Peace
3Out-reach activities


  1. Peace education short training courses
  2. School peace training
  3. The Dag Hammarskjöld Journal on Peace and Conflict Studies
  4. Lecture series


DHIPS is organized under the following integrated dimensions:

  • Post Graduate Teaching – all Lecturers and Research Fellows—focusing on Masters and PhD
  • DH Ideals and Contemporary African Conflicts
  • African Elections
  • Africa’s Mediation Experience
  • Gender & the Environment
  • Satellite Office – Lusaka DHIPS Office



Prog Experts

Dag Hammarskjold & Contemporary African Conflicts/ Prog to be also responsible for supervising Crash Site Coord

Dr Rosemary Chilufya

Remarks – Personnel

African Political Transition: Elections

Prof J. Bwalya


African Mediation Experience

Dr Gosnell Yorke


DHIPS Lusaka – satellite office

    To supervise: Head – Diplomacy, Policy & Conference Coordination

Dr Rose F. Makano


Mr. Lweendo Kambela

Personnel to also associate with preferred programme

Gender & Environment

Profs. Rupiya & Bwalya