Dag Hammarskjöld Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (DHIPS) at the Copperbelt University is the forbearer of the Dag Hammarskjöld Chair of Peace, Human Rights and Conflict Management established on 11 November 2002 but officially launched on 26th February 2003. The ceremony to launch the chair featured a keynote address from Professor Ibrahim Gambari, Under-Secretary General, UN and special Adviser, to then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan.

  1. Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich;
  2. University of Geneva;
  3. American University in Cairo;
  4. Centre for Studies in Social Exclusion, Tata Institute of Social Studies, Mumbai;
  5. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Intituto de Investigacines Historicas;
  6. Ghana Centre for Democratic Development, Accra; and
  7. Institute for Peace – Addis Ababa University.

The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Development Agency Research for Development (R4D) initiative….. See More.

Other research projects currently being implemented by DHIPS staff include:

  1. Integrated Kafue River Catchment Area Management Project Baseline Studies
  2. Collective action and service delivery in Meanwood Housing areas of Ndeke Village, Kwamwena and Vorna Valley
  3. Youth mobilization and Elections violence; and
  4. Cultural Use, Security Issues and Management Challenges in Mopane Woodland Resources in Kakumbi and Nsefu Chiefdoms of the Luangwa Valley, Eastern Province, Zambia